I was raised by a strong and powerful Woman — MY MOTHER. I and my Siblings were taught to do house chores at an early age, yet one of the things my mother desired when we were younger was having ‘Help’ (What we all know as House maid)
My dad helped in some of the house chores in the best way that he could until my siblings and I were able to take over.
I watched and observed some of my Aunts, I listen to some married women talk about their experience on running the activities and these are some of the Day-to-Day ACTIVITIES Mothers do.
- Wake the kids up
- Sort their beds (if they are wet)
- Help them brush
- Heat up their bathing water
- Give or supervise their baths
- Dress them up
- Prepare their breakfast
- Get their lunch and box it
- Arrange for them to get to school
- Prepare breakfast for husband
- Get his bathing water ready
- Have her own bath
- Prepare for work, office, school (if applicable)
- Prepare lunch
- Prepare dinner
- Wash the children’s clothes
- Wash husband’s clothes
- Iron children’s clothes
- Sweep the home
- Wash the toilet
- Wipe furniture and electronics
- Wash plates
- Change the sheets and lay the bed
- Arrange the wardrobe and closet
- Help children with assignment
- Monitor children’s play and television content
- Change baby diapers
- Make money and support the home
- Help contribute ideas to husband’s endeavors
- Go to the market and shop
- Price like a pricing ninja and get bargains
- Take care of visiting mother in law
- Take care of/manage live in visitors/in-laws
- Be a wife in the bedroom

Our mothers were amazing, many of us — Present Generation and Future Generation Wives won’t be as successful as they were at mixing. This is where YOU (Man) step in and become amazing husbands and fathers too.
Note: if your wife has been doing the above and you don’t help and celebrate her everywhere, you need to begin immediately. You need to help out too.
This is to appreciate every Mother, Wife all over the World especially my Mother and soon to be Mother-in -Love. And also to appreciate Future Mothers and Wives Like Me.